Saturday, May 23, 2009

Fw: RANAVIRU SARANA FUND- Hopper Night-Final Com meeting

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From: "" <>
Cc: Nanda <>
Sent: Saturday, 23 May, 2009 12:40:39 AM
Subject: Re: RANAVIRU SARANA FUND- Hopper Night-Final Com meeting

A meeting will be held at 34,Third Street, Parkdale on Sunday the 24th,at 6.30pm.The agenda will be to discuss final preparations and distribute the work load. We short of man (and woman) power for the function on the 30th. All the helpers are invited to come along and share thoughts and talk. If you are unable to come for the meeting please give us a ring after 6.30 on Sunday to 9580 3169 or 0438803117, or Susantha 0402084251.and we can discuss some task for you.
Sri Lanka govt. has informed that 6200 killed and 30 000 wounded from our Forces for the last three years. We are helping the wounded,only DRC OBU is helping the wounded at the moment. .So please come along to the function and encourage any friends to come as well.A worthy cause.
Please let us know the state of tickets from the members who got them-how many sold, how many left, how many more you need. This will help us with the ordering of food.

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